Dak Lak has 301 coffee processing facilities (28/02/2019, 08:46)

According to the Department of Industry and Trade, Dak Lak has 301 coffee processing facilities including 204 coffee powder processing establishments; 95 coffee beans processing establishments and 2 instant coffee processing establishments (An Thai Investment and Development Joint Stock Company and Ngon Coffee Company Limited).

Processing export coffee at An Thai Investment and Development Joint Stock Company

Recently, enterprises of Dak Lak have made great efforts in expanding the scale, promoting the production of coffee powder and instant coffee. However, coffee processing in the province still faces many limitations: small-scale processing facilities, outdated equipment and technology, low-skilled labour force. The number of large-scale processing facilities with modern equipment and technology remains low, only 4-5 enterprises; goods are not diversified, quality is not really high and competitiveness is limited ....


Source: baodaklak.vn

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Editor-in-chief: Mr. Truong Hoai Anh, Director of Dak Lak Information and Communications Department

Address: 08 Ly Thai To Street – Buon Ma Thuot City – Dak Lak Province

Email: anhth@tttt.daklak.gov.vn

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