Approval of the Street Festival scenario – a part of the 7th Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Festival, 2019 (10/02/2019, 07:55)

The Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No.127/QD-UBND dated January 18th, 2019 on approving the Street Festival scenario in the framework of the 7th Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Festival, 2019.




Street Festival with the theme of "The Quintessence of Jungle" will be opened at 16h00, on March 9th, 2019 (Saturday) in Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak province. Participants are expected from Ho Chi Minh City (Miss, beauties, dancers, circus actors, singers, models, street artists, human resources of Trung Nguyen Legend Group, and officials of Dak Lak province) and other countries (Art troupes of Jeollabuk province/Korea; Mondulkiri province/Cambodia; and other countries that are growing and exporting coffee in the world; Art troupes of Dak Lak province, Gongs, Lak district’s Elephants, Students, Coffee farmers, Parade cars).


Venue of the Street Festival includes: Six-way Roundabout, Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, separating two groups on Tran Hung Dao Street (the group walks to one direction, parade cars and Elephants walk to another direction), Truong Chinh Street, March 10th Square. The walking groups will gather at the Provincial Cultural Center; parade cars will gather at No. 01 Le Duan Street down to the office of Provincial People's Council and People's Committee; Elephants will gather at the vacant land next to Nguyen Cong Tru street - near the Provincial Cultural Center or appropriate location designated by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.



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Editor-in-chief: Mr. Truong Hoai Anh, Director of Dak Lak Information and Communications Department

Address: 08 Ly Thai To Street – Buon Ma Thuot City – Dak Lak Province


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